Getting Yourself Inspired & Motivated

All of 2017 I found myself to be in kind of a rut, especially when it started to get colder out my mood changed drastically. I was uninspired and unmotivated I found myself binge-watching television shows, laying in bed, and finishing my fourth bag of chips in under one hour. I let myself go physically, mentally, and emotionally. I let my life spin out of control and everything was on repeat sleep, eat, work that is all I did. One day I woke up and came to the realization that things needed to change but I was so stuck in my lazy unmotivated ways that I didn't start making changes until the new year started.

What I did to get inspired and motivated is I started out by making lists and goals of things I wanted to do, places I wanted to go, and things I wanted to accomplish. Every month I set up new goals to accomplish so I can stay on top of being motivated. Keeping myself inspired and wanting to accomplish these goals is a little trickier than I expected but my solution to that is taking fresh approaches to getting these goals completed and making every day different to keep the excitement alive! I really recommend trying out new things as well whether it be food, a new workout routine, going to bed earlier, cutting out coffee just try to keep things fresh and make things a bit of a challenge to keep yourself interested. I find challenging myself makes me want to accomplish a certain task more than just saying this is something I want to do.

My overall goal for 2018 is to get healthy, I want to put good food into my body, work out every day, and drink the recommended amount of water every day (which I believe is a half gallon.) Recently I was in the emergency room because I had wicked pains in my lower back and my sides, turns out I had a double kidney infection. The doctor didn't really have much of an idea of how I got it but she gave me Ciprofloxacin (Cipro for short) to get rid of the infection but that health scare really inspired me to start taking better care of myself. Now I only drink water but sometimes I'll have cranberry juice or ice tea but I cut out pretty much all sugary caffeinated beverages and I can tell you I'm feeling some big changes. I feel more alert and awake, my skin complexion has changed drastically, also I recently had my period and usually, I have god awful cramps but since I've been drinking water they seemed to be barely existent. In a way I'm thankful for getting the infection because it motivated me to make a change to better my health, I'm still working on the exercising daily and eating right aspect but I'm getting there.

I think our atmospheres have a lot to do with how we feel so I'm a big believer in switching up and moving around furniture to get myself feeling fresh and inspired. When I come home and look at the same layout every day or the same decor it gets boring and dull so just moving one thing or adding a new painting really brightens up my mood, not everyone may feel the same but I suggest trying it and seeing how you feel after, sometimes all you need to unblock your mind is a tiny switch. I also think doing a deep clean and going through everything you own can help declutter your mind and build a better atmosphere. Lately I've been trying to live a more minimalistic lifestyle by only keeping things that are necessary to me and I'm currently in the process of doing a deep clean. So far I've only gone through my clothes and accessories but I have three small bags full of things to donate and I already feel a weight off my shoulders.

It can either be small things or big things that get you motivated and inspired but you have to get there on your own. Sure people can say things to get you motivated but you have to want to make these changes and be willing to work at them to actually accomplish whatever it is that you want to accomplish. You have to be the one to pull yourself out of your rut other people are not going to do it for you. So if you really want to make changes you have to be serious about it and be ready to devote your time and energy to complete your goals.


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